Merced County Events

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Ur Beauty 4 Ashes Women's Ministry

Ur Beauty 4 Ashes Women's Ministry

Miranda Moseby


For more information call:(209) 407-1980 Direct Line 24 Hrs (209) 720-4413 Ministry Line

See our website at:

A non-denominational Christian Women's Fellowship.  Offering local bible study, online bible study, blog bible study, group  studies, meet-up groups, workshops, seminars, conferences, and prayer.

We are sharing the gospel with a heart for women. Empowering, equipping and edifying as many women as we can in the word of God.

Make no mistake that we Women were called to be keepers of our sisters. Come bond and develop a relationship with the Lord and help take the gospel to the fields.The harvest is ripe, but the laborers are few.