Atwater 4th of July Committee
Atwater 4th of July Committee
Greg McDaniel
P.O. Box 4 Atwater, Ca. 95301
Contact Phone Number: 209-258-2260
Contact Email:
Website of Organization:
Non-Profit Organization formed decades ago to preserve the Atwater 4th of July Celebration. We meet once a month to organize and plan the Parade, Festival, Run-4-Independence, Concert & Fireworks Show.
Atwater Chamber of Commerce
Atwater Chamber of Commerce
Kayla Moon, Director
1181 Third Street, Atwater, California 95301
Contact Phone Number: 209-358-4251
Contact Email:
Website of Organization:
The Atwater Chamber of Commerce was established as a resource and support organization for the City of Atwater and it’s surrounding areas. Our mission is to promote economic opportunities and strengthen the business community in the greater Atwater area.
We are dedicated to helping businesses thrive in today’s competitive marketplace and promote the City of Atwater as an excellent place
California Health Collaborative
California Health Collaborative
800 W 20th Street, Suite D (call for appointment)
For more information call:(209) 725-8240
See our website
The California Health Collaborative (Collaborative) is a nonprofit 501(c)3 organization committed to enhancing the quality of life and health of the people of California, particularly the underserved and underrepresented.
The Collaborative has established strong partnerships at the local, regional, and statewide levels, enabling its programs and services to be linked into broader systems of prevention and care.
In the Merced office, we offer Tobacco Control services and SnapEd education for the youth and residents of Merced County.
If you are a health-oriented youth, please contact us!
We will love to have you join one of our coalitions and be part of a youth team to help solve health disparities in the Merced County.
Center for the Humanities
Center for the Humanities
UC Merced
5200 N Lake Road Merced
For more information call:(209) 228-2453
See our website at:
The UC Merced Center for the Humanities is committed to stimulating individual and collaborative research and scholarly work which explores both human experience and human consciousness, as well as the cultural products – art, literature, music, material culture – that record, reflect, and express them.
The Center supports the exchange of intellectual and creative ideas and activities among faculty, students, and the broader regional community. We accomplish this through a wide array of forums, from lectures and seminars to exhibits and films.
The Center enriches imaginations by deepening explorations of our interconnected lives.
Fairmead Community & Friends
Fairmead Community & Friends
Barbara Nelson – President
Address/City – P.O. Box 517 Chowchilla, CA 93610
Contact email:
For Information Call: (209) 247-8000 or (510) 915-3035
Website of Organization:
We are a non-profit committee that advocates for the community of Fairmead, CA.
Our non-profit committee strives to find solutions to problems in our community and to assist in getting our residents involved in creating a better quality of life for the Fairmead community.
Changing lives, Empowering people, Building a better community!
Food Addicts in Recovery Anonymous
Website of Organization
FA is a 12 step recovery program that gives hope to those suffering from the disease of food additives.
We come from a background of obesity, undereating, bulimic and those just obsessed with food or weight.
There are no dues, fees, or weigh-ins at FA meetings.
Meeting in Los Banos
600 W. I St., Suite D
Los Banos, CA 93635
United States
Web & Directory Contact 1: Dana V. +12094026138
Web & Directory Contact 2: Kim R. +12096751443
Gateway Quilters Guild
Gateway Quilters Guild
PO Box: 3793, Merced, CA 95344
for information: 209-383-4165
We meet monthly to share our quilts and their stories, to hear regionally and nationally known quilters tell their sagas, and to learn new techniques in guild-sponsored workshops.
We are committed to celebrating and preserving the quilting arts in our community.
One of the guild’s major activities is making and distributing quilts throughout the community to needy children and adults.
Golden Valley Health Center
Golden Valley Health Center
Veronica Chavez
Address/City 737 West Childs Ave.
For Information Call: (209) 385-5632
For Information Email:
Website of Organization:
Golden Valley Men’s Barbershop Chorus
Howard Barber ~ contact person
For Information Call: 383-3808
For Information Email:
Website of Organization:
A men’s Barbershop Chorus. We rehearse on Tuesday nights at 7:00 to 9:30 Mancini Hall in Modesto – 718 Tuolumne Blvd
Habitat for Humanity of Merced County, Inc
Habitat for Humanity of Merced County, Inc
Jan Sorge, President
For more information call:(209) 726-0850
See our website at: - - -
PO Box 423
Atwater, Ca. 95301
Servicing the Merced, Atwater area
We are an all volunteer non profit organization whose vision is that everyone in Merced County has decnet and affordable housing.
We build homes for low income people who attend an Orientation and qualify according to the Standards set by HUD. Each family puts in 500 sweat equity hours to help build their home. Qualifications are listed on our website.
We would love to build in other areas of our County if a lot can be made available by donation or a very reasonable amount.
We also do Brush with Kindness projects in which the homeowner provides the materials and our volunteers do the work. Yard work or small projects that the homeowner is not physically able to do anymore.
The homeowner provides lunch if needed.''
Kiwanis Club of Greater Merced
Kiwanis Club of Greater Merced
Kiddieland - Kiwanis Club of Greater Merced
President; Alicia De Los Santos
P.O.Box 1450 Merced, CA 95341
Admission to Kiddieland is FREE, ride tickets are fifty-cents each and all rides take one ticket, with exception of the Kiddieland Express, to ride it takes two tickets.
Kiddieland is open on most Saturdays and Sundays from around Easter through the end of October.
10 a.m. - 2 p.m.
Website of Organization:
Kiddieland hours and information~ click here
The Kiwanis Club of Greater Merced was chartered in 1956 club founders opened Kiddieland in Applegate Park to provide a safe, affordable amusement type setting as their primary fund raising program as an alternative to other types of fundraisers that required the selling of tickets.
The Kiwanis Club of Greater Merced sponsors two High School Key Clubs. Key Club members operate the rides at Kiddieland and accumulate community service hours toward graduation for what they do.
Kiddieland maintains six amusement type rides for visitors to enjoy; the most popular is The Kiddieland Express (the train ride), the carousel, the car ride, Go-Gator our kids only roller coaster, the rocket ride and our helicopter ride.
Check the schedule on our website for complete information.
Livingston 4th of July Committee
Livingston 4th of July Committee
Address/City P.O. BOX 611 Livingston, CA 95334
For Information Call: 209-277-1402
For Information Email:
Website of Organization:
Vender Information click here
Los Banos Chamber of Commerce
Los Banos Chamber of Commerce
Executive Director: Geneva Brett
632 6th Street
Contact Phone Number: (209) 826-2495
Contact Email: and
Website of Organization:
The Los Banos Chamber of Commerce focus is on supporting local business. Our motto is: “Working for business~ Believing in Los Banos.”
We hold several events throughout the year that are designed to generate traffic in our community. This includes: Spring Street Faire, 4th of July Community Fireworks Show, Best of the Best Awards Dinner, Fall Street Faire, Tomato Festival and Christmas Parade.
We also hold monthly mixers at various businesses and ribbon cuttings for new members.
M-DOGS (Merced Dog Owners Group)
M-DOGS (Merced Dog Owners Group)
Leader: Marilynne Manfredi
Address/City 505 Mustang Court
For Information Call: (209) 631-3235
For Information Email:
Website of Organization:
M-DOGS was created to lead the City of Merced in building a Dog Park on the corner of R St. and Yosemite Ave.
Our foremost responsibility is to raise money to fill the dog waste bag dispensers, but we also work with the other dog rescues and dog related organizations to raise awareness and educate the public about responsible dog ownership.
Come visit the Small Dog Park or All Dog Park and you and your dog will make new friends!
Become a member of M-DOGS and help keep our dog bag dispensers full!
Merced College Community Services
We host a wide variety of excursions throughout the year, including trips to sporting events, theatre shows, cultural functions, educational venues, and recreational activities.
Questions? Call 384-6224 or email
Merced County Farm Bureau
Amanda Carvajal, Executive Director
646 S. Hwy 59, Merced, CA 95341
web site :
Merced County NAACP Branch 1047
Allen Brooks, President
PO Box 1107, Merced, CA 95341
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People is to ensure the political, educational, social, and economic equality of rights of all persons and to eliminate racial hatred and racial discrimination.
Merced County Master Gardeners
Merced County Master Gardeners
University of California Cooperative Extension Office
2145 Wardrobe Ave Merced
For more information call:(209) 385-7403
See our website at:
We are volunteers. Our purpose is to extend research-based knowledge and information on home horticulture, pest management and sustainable landscape practices to the residents of Merced County.
Basically, we help local residents with their gardening problems.
The Merced County Master Gardener program is part of the Merced County University of California Cooperative Extension (UCCE) Office.
Merced Elks Lodge
Merced Elks Lodge
Meg Kirby
1910 “M” Street Merced, Ca. 95340
Contact Email:
Website of Organization
We are a fraternal organization. We primarily raise money for challenged children and adults, We have fundraisers to raise money for our causes.
Merced Horsemen Association
Merced Horsemen Association
J. A. Thomas President
Carol Suggs Vice President
P.O. Box 2585, Merced, Ca. 95344
Contact Email:
Website of Organization:
We are a horse riding focused on serving members and giving young and old alike a pleasant friendly place to ride their horse.
We do a variety of events and host several outside events as well. We are a very old club here in California and have a great history with many significant people in the horse world.