A Painting Passion for Merced-
Local Artist Completes Underpass Mural at Highway 99
Martin Figueroa with his pallet and brush working on the Canal Street underpass mural in Merced. Photo: Steve Newvine
At his regular job, Martin Figueroa is a supervisor for an industrial insulation company.
But in his free time, he is an artist. His paintings have adorned public areas of local businesses.
But recently, his painting canvass was a concrete wall beneath highway 99 along Canal Street in Merced.
The mural Martin created can be found at the Canal Street underpass of highway 99 in Merced. Photo: Steve Newvine
Martin earned the opportunity to paint a mural on that wall. He’s one of eight artists awarded grant dollars to create murals on underpass walls up and down the highway 99 corridor in the section that passes through the City of Merced.
“Caltrans and the City of Merced asked for proposals,” Martin said. “I gave them five, and they picked one.”
Artists were sought to engage with ideas for public art along the underpass walls.
Martin presented a portfolio of his work, a biography, and his ideas on what he could do for the space.
“It was my first large scale mural done just by myself,” he said of this early summer project.
Martin is applying what would be one of the final touches to his mural project; the final strokes in honor of his children. Photo: Steve Newvine
Martin says a friend encouraged him to submit a proposal when the solicitation was announced in May.
There were no parameters as to what he could propose, although the City of Merced and Caltrans had the final say before awarding the project to him.
This box full of spray paint cans is used by Martin as he creates his mural beneath the highway 99 overpass at Canal Street. Photo: Steve Newvine
His tools include several canisters of colorful spray paint, and some regular paint that comes in a can.
When I caught up with him near the end of his project, he was applying black paint to the figures of three individuals who appear at the bottom right of the mural.
“These are my kids,” he said proudly. “I’m really doing this for them.”
Martin enjoyed working on this new piece of public art in the City of Merced. He grew up in the City, rode bikes all over the many neighborhoods, and skated at the local parks.
Applying paint with brush. Martin hopes this project will lead to more opportunities to work as an artist. Photo: Steve Newvine
He says he was not bothered by the many cars, walkers, and bicyclists who passed by him while he was working on the project.
The noise above from the 99 highway did not seem to bother him at all either.
“No worries,” he shrugged when he was reminded of the hundreds of motor vehicles speeding along above him while he worked.
His only mild concern is how long his original artwork will last before graffiti rears a destructive force.
“I hope it doesn’t happen,” he says. “But I’m sure it will.”
Martin’s mural is called “Chase Your Dreams”, and depicts a galaxy of stars in the deep recesses of space. Photo: Steve Newvine
His three kids, ages ten, nine, and six along with his wife are supportive of his art. They encourage him to keep pursuing his passion.
So far, only his youngest has expressed interest in art.
Martin hopes that the youngster’s interest will grow over the years.
Helping young people to pursue their passion is why he is dedicated to this particular project.
“I hope all of these murals inspire the youth and others around town,” he said. He titled his mural “Chase Your Dreams” and from the story behind what it took to get him to this showcase art project, the title seems to fit the artist.
Steve Newvine lives in Merced
Two of his books: California Back Roads and Can Do Californians are available for purchase at the Merced County Courthouse Museum gift shop or at Lulu.com
To explore Steve Newvine's complete collection of books, simply click on the link below.
Steve is also open to delivering speeches for service club programs and other public speaking engagements.
Contact him at: SteveNewvine@sbcglobal.net